Welcome to the NYC DOE A.I. Summit 2 with SMASH!

Step into a world where innovation meets equity. Join us as we explore the powerful intersection of artificial intelligence and social justice. Engage with industry leaders, form teams, and brainstorm solutions to combat bias in technologies like facial recognition and predictive policing.
Write your awesome label here.


Get ready to innovate, collaborate, and inspire change. Welcome to our SMASH Open Innovation Challenge at the NYC DOE A.I. Summit 2!

Our Commitment

SMASH is committed to empowering a diverse tech workforce through computer science education and hands-on experiences.

Amazing Prizes

Your ideas matter. The top innovations will receive prizes while also being recognized by SMASH and NYC DOE during The NYC DOE A.I. Summit 2 in January.

Signup Directions

  • Step 1

    Open the signup form by clicking the button below. ⬇️
  • Step 2

    Fill out your name, email and password.

    Then confirm your age.
  • Step 3

    Select NYC DOE A.I. Summit 2 x SMASH Virtual A.I. Open Innovation Challenge under I am user SMASH Virtual as part of
  • Step 4

    Accept the Terms & Conditions and Start your learning journey!
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